

上海古井假日酒店总经理 徐露霞

    徐露霞女士拥有19年的酒店管理经验,加入上海古井假日酒店之前任上海新虹桥智选假日酒店总经理,在此任职期间率领酒店屡创佳绩,荣获洲际集团2011年“智选假日品牌年度最佳新开业酒店”奖、 2012年“智选假日品牌年度最佳宾客满意酒店”奖,个人荣获2012年“智选假日品牌年度最佳总经理”奖。此前在上海新世界丽笙大酒店担任市场销售总监。相信在她加入上海古井假日酒店之后,将以其卓越的领导才能及专业知识带领酒店管理团队缔造客人挚爱的杰出酒店。

    IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group) recently announced the appointment of Lucy Xu as the General Manager of Holiday Inn Shanghai Vista.
    Lucy has 19 years of hospitality management experience, and moves to Holiday Inn Shanghai Vista from her current role as General Manager of Holiday Inn Express Shanghai New Hongqiao, under her leadership, the hotel won Best New Holiday Inn Express 2011 and Outstanding Guest Experience Award 2012 – Holiday Inn Express Brand while she was awarded GM of the year 2012 – Holiday Inn Express Brand. Prior to this, Lucy held the position as Director of Sales & Marketing at Radisson Hotel Shanghai New World. After Join Holiday Inn Shanghai Vista, Lucy will work better together with her new team to make a Great Hotel Guest Love.
